UX Designer with a teacher’s perspective, an artist’s eye, and a writer’s words.

“The Process of [Life’s] Design Squiggle”

The Process of Design Squiggle by Damien Newman, thedesignsquiggle.com

Starting as a passionate but practical humanities major in college, I began studying art and became an English major.

I worked my way through my Master’s Degree in education by painting murals and producing art for licensing, all while teaching writing at a community college.

I fell in love with teaching. I loved helping students achieve their dreams. It didn’t matter how little students could write when we met. I knew they were capable of fulfilling their goals by the time we parted. I scaled my belief in students when I went into education management to run writing and tutoring centers for two of NJ’s largest universities.

My journey to UX started with the LMS platform I used for teaching. It was so needlessly complicated and counterintuitive, but it became essential to use with online classes. It was then that I discovered UX.

UX is at the intersection of art, writing, research, and helping others. With that clarity, I knew my path was to learn UX design, to bring all of my core talents together.

I believe in applying UX principles to design to make life better for others, one experience at a time.

Technical skills include user research, sketching, wire framing, usability testing, card sorting, task analysis, rapid prototyping, heuristic evaluation, content analysis, personas, competitive analysis, user journeys, storytelling, UX writing.

Tools: Figma, Miro, Mural, Optimum Workshop, Trello, Notion